Fusing Art and Medicine
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Love Of Painting

My blog focuses on all that I find interesting as an artist, mother, doctor and as a woman. I love to share tips about painting, my views on life and how I create my art with step by step demonstration and videos.

Just Move...


I find it settling that there is just so much now in the news about exercise and the benefits of exercise. Recent research done by the British Heart Foundation has found that just 10 minutes of vigorous exercise is enough to keep heart attacks and stroke at bay in women.

Art by Nkolika Anyabolu


Women who did strenuous activity two to three times a week – enough to cause sweating or a fast heartbeat – were 20 per cent less likely to suffer from heart problems, stroke and blood clots than inactive women, researchers said.

Those who did gentler exercise, such as walking, gardening or cycling, four to six times a week had the same reduction in their risk of heart disease. Indeed, doing any physical activity at all was found to lower risk by a certain amount, compared with being inactive.

The same research also found that increasing activity levels in some women did not lower the risk of heart attacks or strokes.

But overall it reinforces the evidence that one does not have to run marathons or spend hours in the gym to improve one's heart health.

Surely running after my kids, tidying up the house constantly after them and doing general housework should count. I am glad it does because this is my life really and it is reassuring that the little I get to do has been shown to make a world of difference.

The importance of moving can never be overemphasized. One thing that bothers me a lot about the life of a GP is the fact that it involves a lot of sitting behind a desk.

I am so glad we actually have to get up, open the door, walk out to the waiting room and call in our patients. That again should improve my heart health.

Whatever you do...just enjoy it.