Fusing Art and Medicine
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Love Of Painting

My blog focuses on all that I find interesting as an artist, mother, doctor and as a woman. I love to share tips about painting, my views on life and how I create my art with step by step demonstration and videos.

Posts tagged Exercise
You Are What You Think

I came across this remarkable video that told the story of an inspirational lady with such admirable passion for what makes her happy. It taught me that having a passion for something often requires a lot more than saying 'I am passionate about...' Is there something you love doing? Something that makes you happy? Something that makes you comfortable about who you are and what you are? If the answer is yes then this woman's story will resonate deeply with you. And if the answer is no, watch and learn.

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Just Move...

A recent research done by the British Heart Foundation has found that just 10 minutes of vigorous exercise is enough to keep heart attacks and stroke at bay in women.Women who did strenuous activity two to three times a week – enough to cause sweating or a fast heartbeat – were 20 per cent less likely to suffer from heart problems, stroke and blood clots than inactive women, researchers said.

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