My First Paragliding Experience
When I was in the beautiful city of Montreux, Switzerland on a family holiday, I decided to walk off the top of a 6000ft mountain while hoping the pilot of the paraglider knew what he was doing.
I was never one keen on roller coaster rides and my reaction to heights can be quite variable but for some reason, I felt the need to fly. I felt the need to be free and to have an out of body experience. It was going to be either a make or break situation; one which would help me in future I am sure.
There was a paragliding event going on that day and the airspace was closed. But as luck would have it, Fabian (the pilot) cancelled all his other bookings except for mine.
In the bus (White one) which would take us up the mountain where we would take the plunge from.
Breathtaking View
At the summit of the mountain, 2000 metres high
With Fabian, the French Pilot in whom I was going to have to trust 100%.
Chilling and waiting for the all clear from the controller. Turned out to be a very busy day.
Panoramic view of Lake Geneva and Chateau de Chillon
Breathtaking view of Lake Geneva, Montreux, Vevey and Lausanne
View from down below. I am in the lowest glider.
Getting closer...
Straightening out for landing...
My little one waiting patiently
I wonder what is going through her mind.
And now she has lost patience...
Touch down.
It turned out to be a truly exhilarating experience that I did not want to end. The views were so mind blowing that I did not have time to focus on the countless things that could have wrong. I smiled and laughed so much my cheeks began to hurt. I felt so buzzed during and after the flight. I felt proud of myself that I have concqured yet another fear.