Change Your Thoughts
Did you know your thoughts shape your life? It is really interesting how much of our lives and destinies are controlled by our thoughts.
Abstract Art- Enigma Series 3 © Nkolika Anyabolu
“If the only tool you have is a hammer, all your problems begin to look like nails”
I understood the power of my thoughts from a very young age and my Catholic background also helped cement the fact the peace that Christ brings into our lives can never be gotten from anywhere else. [Tweet this]
“If you really want something, & really work hard, take advantage of opportunities, and never give up, you will find a way. ”
Peace is not the absense of trouble, but the presence of Christ.
— World Changing Women (@WomenOfHistory) December 14, 2015
I must admit in my quest to be a better wife, mother, artist, doctor, daughter, friend, colleague and Christian; I have found myself feeling low and down in the dumps. I remind myself
"Do not forget where you have been and how far you have come" [Tweet this]
I allow myself to be enveloped in a cloud of despair which all stems from the disappointment of not being where I wanted to be or not achieving what I wanted to achieve at that time.
It is all too human and in a way it is good. But being one who never gives into nihilism, I seem to always find a way of reminding myself believe is always light at the end of my tunnel (no matter how long it is!).
"Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness." - Anne Frank
— Great Minds Quotes (@GreatestQuotes) December 14, 2015
"We need bad times in order to appreciate the good times when they do come." [Tweet this]
As we prepare to say goodbye to 2015 and say hello to a brand new year there may be a lot of things you set out to achieve that have not gone your way and you have been left wondering should I go on or should I stop.
I have collected a few beautiful tweets filled with words of wisdom to hopefully help you refocus on your objective and most importantly encourage you not to give up.
You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.
— World Changing Women (@WomenOfHistory) December 15, 2015
Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have. #gratitude
— Motivational Quotes (@DavidRoads) December 15, 2015
By leaving behind ur old self & taking a leap of faith into the unknown, u find out what u are truly capable of becoming.
— Inspirational Women (@FamousWomen) December 15, 2015
It always seems impossible until its done. -Nelson Mandela
— Motivational Quotes (@DavidRoads) December 15, 2015
A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.
— Inspirational Women (@FamousWomen) December 15, 2015
"He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
— Great Minds Quotes (@GreatestQuotes) December 14, 2015
Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion. - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
— Motivational Quotes (@DavidRoads) December 15, 2015
"If you deliberately set out to be less than you are capable, you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life." - Abraham Maslow
— Great Minds Quotes (@GreatestQuotes) December 15, 2015
This last tweet hopefully would sum up the true meaning of life and living. As we continue on our sojourn on earth may we learn to make the best of what life throws at us at all times.
The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything.
— Inspirational Women (@FamousWomen) December 15, 2015
All the very best
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